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"Chris Rushing makes a fine Christy Mahon, depicting the character’s tall-tale-spinning charm and also his boyish hucksterism." - Andrew Alexander, ArtsATL

"There’s a tangible spark between co-stars Chris Rushing (as the mischievous Christy) and Sophie Edwards (as the sensible Pegeen) that’s alternately sweet and involving. Although their romantic happy ending might seem predetermined, the chemistry they generate makes it feel genuine and well-earned. Their dialogue risks coming across like a lot of dated cliches, but they make it sound natural and real." -Bert Osborne, Atlanta Journal Constitution 

"The strongest aspect of GA Ensemble’s “Romeo” is the casting. Space does not permit me to say as much as I’d like about this cast, but they’re quite marvelous: Chris Rushing (Mercutio—fine Queen Mab speech)..." -Collin Kelley, Atlanta Intown Paper

"High marks to this artist...he succeeded in finding a way for the update [to work] by translating its most grisly bits into an entertaining clown story." -Susan Galbraith, DC Theatre Scene


“Under the skillful direction of Chris Rushing, the violence that unfolds after Lear’s tragic error develops with machine gun-fire rapidity and a dreadful inevitability….The production is, in spite of its small faults, electrically alive. The brutal culminating events have seldom felt so uncomfortably, devastatingly close.” - Andrew Alexander, ArtsATL

“This was perhaps the most intimate Hedda I've seen -- characters mere inches from the audience -- and I truly felt as if I were in the room with the characters, and credit for such an apt use of the space needs to go as much to Ms. Herd's adaptation as to Mr. Rushing's direction.”

-Brad Rudy, AtlantaTheatreBuzz

"Director Christopher Rushing seems to have had a very clear vision of what he wanted to present to his audience - “Charlie Chaplin in Hell”. He was concerned with presenting a play that is tragically funny and hilariously tragic. He succeeded...GSU’s production had the collision of characters as Beckett seems to have wanted: carefully choreographed comic chaos!” -Dr. Peter Mellen, Armstrong University, American College Theatre 



American Theatre Magazine

The Washington Post

Praise for Chris Rushing's Joy at Synetic Theater:


"We've seen a lot of innovative approaches to online theater, but this one seems genuinely new." -American Theatre Magazine

"It is a contemporary storytelling with a deep self-revealing memoir-ish arc." -DC Metro Theatre Arts

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